Prof. Geetika Mudali

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The aim of an education is necessary to make an effective plan and program of life.

The educational aim acts as a yard-stick to achievement or failure in the attempt of teaching-learning activity.

To have an effective aim of Education has become an urgent need from the Country's socio-economic point of view.

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest"
-Benjamin Franklin-

At Mother's Public School, we foster our student's love for learning, encourage them to try new and exciting things, and give them a solid foundation to build on. We believe that a happy child is a successful one. We strive to consciously create an environment of respect and inclusion and to support ethnic, racial, religious, and socio-economic diversity among all the constituencies of the school.

Our vision is to prepare and motivate our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling in them critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for core values of honesty, loyalty, perseverance, and compassion. Our School creates a pathway to assist students for success in the 21st century in achieving their educational and personal goals leading to a fulfilling future within the greater community.